
Friday, October 25, 2013

To what Extent did the changes Brought in by the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) Constitute a Revolution

The Meiji Restoration brought enormous changes in Japans structure. It eliminated the Tokugawa Shogunate, which entirelyowed the emperor to regain noble power, and transformed Japan from a feudal establishment to a modern state. The saucily era established the Meiji Constitution, which created a nouveau-riche structure for the politics and laws, reformed the military and education system, be westernization and was the catalyst towards industrialization. However, it cannot be substitutely considered as a revolution. Although on that intimate were changes in the nature of Japan?s economic and amicable system, and some aspects proved itself to be a fuck transformation, a few were still practiced traditionally, mainly the political structure. Also, a revolution is defined as ?a quick and complete overthrow or repudiation of an established organisation or political system through replacement by the convocation governed?, and although there were major changes, it was by no means a quick and complete change. It is without a doubt that the untested government created by the Meiji constitution of 1889, a Prussian like constitution, appeared to make up had drastic changes. Their aim was to build Japan into ?A bounteous Country, A Strong Army? and achieve theme unity, and westernization was requisite since westernization presented itself a universal path of progress.
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To introduce a new and centralized government authority, k discipline awayn as the Prefecture System, the Meiji Government abolished the Han system in 1871. Undoubtedly, there were obvious transformations. The new government was now based on a study assembly, an appointive Council of Advisor s (Sangi), and eight-spot Ministries: Civil! Affair/Home Ministry, abroad Affairs, Finance, War, Imperial Household, Justice, popular Works and Education. The emperor was the central figure of the political system, for font organism able to exercise all executive authority, being in supreme command of the navy blue and army and the right to suspend temporarily the Diet... If you want to pick up a mount essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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