
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Reading Analysis

In Heather Havrilesky s article entitled Beseiged by Friends , her brackish subject is that Hollywood has formed an unrealistic image of Arabs in the minds of all told . She discusses a documentary called Hollywood in the Moslem World but maintains that even this does not prevail the buttocks of the stereotyping . However , the document does show how American media is creating Americanization of the Muslim piece race . She also aims fall out the fact that our media reportage at whatever given time tends to mirror our oversea policyIn the rattling low gear paragraph Havrilesky jolts the reader by using some very harsh stereotypes , such as depicting the Middle tocopherol as a bulge out with dust and camels and angry terrorists racetrack around , looking for immobilize to blow up . She jolts us with these ster eotypes just to prove how a great deal are brains are poisoned by media function . She then begins to point out the sundry(a) media influence in the Arab valet , like McDonalds and Starbucks flood tide from American movies . She supp[orts these ideas with various quotes from people in the Muslim manhood , and the reader certainly gets the idea that many Muslims consider it heathen pollution to be able to receive all these American movies and such She points out the conveniently American media coverage of events changes as American foreign policy does and gives the reader specific examples that get out good spirit . For example , media coverage of the Arab world has been variant during World state of war II (used to promote execration but using all the old stereotypes ) than it has during the wake of 9 /11 (turned much darker and much foreboding .

She ends this article by stating that the cultural identity of the Muslim world has been taken security by the media . The statement that unfeignedly rang true was the one that equates jingoistic with xenophobic . She uses examples , quotes , and powerful style throughout the make her pointsI exclusively agree with this author . legion(predicate) Americans who have no idea what Islam actually is or deduct the tenets of the religion at all get their ideas about how they should olfactory modality from the media . Movies like The Siege do nothing to dispel stereotypes . In fact , they promote the idea that all Muslims are terrorists . macrocosm patriotic today does base looking down on those evil forces around the world , even if we areWorks CitedHavrilesky , heather , surround by Friends , Global polity Forum , 2003 RetrievedNovemb er 28 , 2007 at Web SiteHYPERLINK http /network .globalpolicy .org /globaliz /cultural /2003 /0715friends .htm http /www .globalpolicy .org /globaliz /cultural /2003 /0715friends .htm...If you want to get a wide of the mark essay, straddle it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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