
Friday, September 27, 2013

Navajo Code Talkers.

History When World War I broke come out of the closet in the Spring of 1914, thousands of Navajo men and women volunteered their services to the war efforts. They fought in the abroad places of France, Ger some(prenominal), and Italy and received numerous awards and decorations for outstanding duty; many were cited for gallantry under fire. A large number of Navajo women on the Navajo reservation were active in Red Cross and some(prenominal) Navajos bought self-sufficiency Bonds and were involved in other war efforts. The Navajo grave Talkers political platform was established in September 1942 as the result of a recommendation made the previous February by Mr. Philip Johnston to Major usual Clayton P. Vogel, USMC., Commanding universal, Amphibious army corps, Pacific Fleet, headquartered at Camp Elliott, California. Mr. Johnston, the intelligence of a missionary to the Navajo tribe, was silvery in the language, having lived among the Navajos for 24 years. He believed th at use by the Marine Corps of Navajo as a code language in interpreter (radio and wire) transmission could tell communications security. Mr.
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Johnstons rationale for this belief was that Navajo is an oral language and exclusively unintelligible to anyone except another Navajo, and that it is a rich fluent language for which code words, in Navajo, could be devised for specialized troops terms, such as the Navajo word for turtle representing a tank. With cooperation of foursome Navajos residing in the Los Angeles area, and another who was already on active naval service in San Diego, Mr. Johnston presented a certainty of his theory to General Vogel and his module at Camp Elliott on Fe bruary 25, 1942. Marine staff officers compo! sed simulated field combat messages, which were handed to a Navajo, who then translated it into tribal dialect and inherited it to another Navajo on the other side of the line. If you want to affirm a undecomposed essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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