
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Color dichotomy vs. the ethnoracial pentagon

Throughout the Statesn politics, 2 particularly well know categorizations of range and ethnicity have arisen: Color Dichotomy and the later Ethno-racial Pentagon. severally seeks to describe and categorize the vast racial diversity America prides itself on. spell intending to create clear and fair ethno-racial constructions, there ar obvious usefulnesss and weak spots to each for the purposes of analyzing American politics. An passe and less(prenominal) popular method of categorization is the Color Dichotomy. This concept distinguishes daemon complementing counterparts to every situation; in terms of race and ethnicity: snow-white and nonwhite (people of color). In the US, about 75% of Americans identify as white, bandage about 25% of Americans identify themselves as nonwhite. Applying this construct to contraryly dividing barriers among people, other categories appear such as: oppressor vs oppressed, Hegemon vs. other, and dominant vs. minority. The primary( prenominal) advantage of this concept is in its simplicity. By having only two dividing categories, everyone could conceivably fit neatly into one of these two categories. Collapsing an astounding count of diversity of culture into one all cover sloping category, however; this framework obviously contains numerous problems. Thousands of differences surrounded by some races and culture are consequently ignored. [...] all distinctions among miscellaneous colored peoples are less significant than the fact that they are nonwhite (Hollinger 25).
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It could withal be argued that even the white category collapses many different origins into a bland and stereotypical title. The outrigh t ignorance register inwardly this sit ar! ound leads to its unpopularity within American politics especially. The ethno-racial pentagon challenges this manakin by supplying strong cultural content. In blood line to the two divisions within the color dichotomy, the ethno-racial pentagon provides five more vary categorizations of race/ethnicity: Euro-American, Asian American, African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Indigenous Peoples/ native Australian American. To be sure, a value of the pentagon is its... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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