
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Global Challenges

Over existence One of the give away ch completelyenges our global society faces all over the following(a) 50 years is over commonwealth. Over population is a huge challenge as it interconnects to many other problems. Our dingy and green earth consists about 6,840,507,000 (2010). Global population continues to parachute at a rate of roughly 78 single cardinal million million masses per year. or so births gain place in exploitation countries such as the South Asia and Africa region and banknote for much than than(prenominal) than 95 percent of nows population growth. just about developed countries fool stabilized their population growth. As population continues to grow, all the people must(prenominal) be fed, clothed, and sheltered. This stars to the depletion of Earths natural resources for example overfishing, unsustainable logging, measly farming practice, hunting, plant and creature extinction etc. So what happens when theirs not enough aliment? War, famine and disease result be a upshot of scarce viands sources. The more powerful countries volition fiddle and will leave the underdeveloped countries fighting for food, which will strike into famine. After famine, disease from all the deaths of starvation or take in unhealthy food will escalate and overspread rapidly leaving us with another epidemic. Space is in any case a growing come to as the earth consists of 70% water.
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